This is a story I just can't figure out why this had not been taken care of the first day of the first disclosure.

I tend to follow the current events, however, I missed how this Wikileaks obtained all these docs?? I know there was a low ranked enlisted man who has been jailed, but how the hell did they get all these docs?? That little pee-on can't be responsible for all that info.

I am a definitely a freedom of speech kind of guy, but, if by these idiots releasing these additional docs will put our troops in harms way
I say do what ever it takes to prevent it, those individuals are actually our enemy.
I am by no means happy with the countries course right now, but we need to protect our own the best we can.

Posted Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:19 pm

I'm right there with you on this one 'lung. The US people (I'm sure there is more than one involved) should be here-after refered to as traitors and the WikiLeaks people refered to as (I can't even think of a good word). Regardless of how one feels about the conflicts going on, this goes way beyond freedom o' the press/speech.

Posted Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:30 am

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