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Batterson Park Pond Comments

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User: redneckangler
Comment: Might be overfished, but you'd be surprised by what came up from last spring's electro-shocking.
Date: 07/14/16 11:34 PM

User: jef210
Comment: Over Fished!! only small Bass. All under 10 inches fished the whole pond many times only to catch nothing but small crap. try your luck some where else and dont waste your time here.
Date: 06/23/16 02:24 PM

User: peco
Comment: I could see how fishing from shore could be tough, but fishing the outside weedline from a boat is pretty good at Batterson. There's a great variety of fish there. I usually catch walleye, yellow perch, largemouth bass, white perch, sunnies and rock bass there, but have also seen carp and eels pulled from the water.
Date: 09/03/12 03:28 PM

User: pfishin
Comment: Went here today in the morn, no luck at all not even a nibble, alot of weeds
Date: 09/03/12 02:07 PM

User: doogiedel
Comment: Does anybody really catch anything at Batterson. Lately I dont catch anything, I think the fish are all gone, I used to catch a lot there but not anymore.
Date: 08/26/12 02:52 AM

User: maverickprime48
Comment: trying to catch white perch can anyone tell me the best bait or lure to use.
Date: 04/26/08 04:14 PM

User: wrx1320
Comment: I haven't had no luck there I dont no If I am useing the wrong lures or what. can some please help.
Date: 06/29/07 08:12 AM

User: bruiser
Comment: It is a shame that this pond cannot be ice fished during the Winter. Too many springs and soft spots.I grew uo fishing it and riding my bike around it other than the large beach sight. If I had a boat I would love to fish off that beach and the old YMCA beach. Lots of sand for spawning. The inlet is also good on the West side in the Spring. The water is warmer. I have caught many fine yellow perch and bass there. LOL with the Walleyes.
Date: 06/22/07 09:46 PM

User: moalboaldiver
Comment: I live very close to Batterson. The place should also be producing keeper sized Walleyes this year also....Maybe we can meet up sometime riplips14......

Date: 05/24/07 12:26 PM

User: riplips14
Comment: good pond...good for floating around for a relaxing day of fishing
Date: 05/14/07 04:31 PM

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