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"Get Hooked on Connecticut"

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Cold spring evening....
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Cold spring evening.

4/8/15 6:00pm

I got out of my car and was greeted by a slight breeze that made the 40° tempature feel slightly less so at around 5:50pm. As i walked the path to the seymour/oxford reservoir i wondered if it would still be as icy as it was just a week ago,  but when i came over the slight hill i instantly was hit with butterflies in my gut as the vision of the snow covered lake in my head melted away just like the reservoir had done these past few days. It was now 6:00pm and all i could think about was the tug of the giant green beast I've hunted all these years, but what i would find out is that tug would be more like a slight weight on the end of my line and less like the thump i was familiar with. After the first 10 casts at my first spot my hands were already numb from the spray of cold mist spewing from my baitcaster. I moved down to a deeper spot and started casting once again. I would let the 3/8oz black&blue v&m jig drop until it hit bottom and slightly wiggle the tip of my rod, not enough to move the jig but enough to make the rattles clack like the sound of a can of spray paint. After a few wiggles i would pull the jig up and over the rock and start the process over. On one pull i noticed it felt slightly heavier, SLAM!! the hook was in and the fight was on. Being so cold he was lethargic and the power of my 7'3" med/hvy kistler magnesium ts powered him into shore and my eyes lit up as i hoisted a beautifully light green 3lb largie. After the shock of catching such a magnificent beast in water that just days ago needed a auger to get through wore off i once again felt the cold on my hands, the thought of heading home crossed my mind for a split second as i thought for sure that would be the one and only in the limited time i had, but i decided against it and moved down a little further and continued casting. About 10 minutes had passed when i felt that familiar heavy, spongy feeling and slammed back again. BAM!!  another fish took off and we were in battle, but once again the cold and my kistler were too much and again i hoisted a 2.5lb largmouth. Fulfilled and cold i called it a day at 7:00pm to live to fight another day. 

Posted at 08:34 PM


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