Saturday February 28th at 11am Jim White will be talking about catching striped bass on soft plastic lures. Jim has written "How to Fish Soft Plastic Baits in Saltwater","The New England Saltwater Fishing Guide" and "Monster Shallow-Water Stripers". Jim will be autographing copies of his latest book. His talk is one not to be missed, whether you are new to Slug-gos, Super Flukes or any soft plastics you'll up your score. Jim has decades of experience as a guide and angler in Rhode Island.
Saturday March 7th Tom Migdalski will be talking about diamond jigging for bass, blues and more. Tom has written "Fishing Diamond Jigs and Bucktails". Tom has written numerous articles in local and national fishing magazines and has been perfecting the presentation of the diamond jig. This is a great lecture to improve your jigging game.
STRIPER SURF DAY is March 14th from 10am to whenever. This is our annual rite of surf rats gathering for the start of the annual migration of the wader clad to the waters edge. They'll be an improvement in the menu since one of our reps shot a moose and we no longer are limited to an all road kill grilling. We're also having a great bunch of factory reps on hand, some top notch speakers such as Steve McKenna, Toby Lapinski and Zeno Hromin. They'll be plenty of refreshments, sales and specials.
IMPORTANT - Theres a DEP hearing on the upcoming fluke regulations. Thursday, March 3rd at 7pm, DEP Marine Headquarters, Old Lyme.
The DEP survey says we overfished the 2008 quota by approximately 50% and must reduce the 2009 harvest by 35%. They arrive at these numbers by conducting angler surveys and random telephone interviews. The results are extrapolated and they determine how many fluke we caught last year. I and every other angler I have spoken with doubts these catch figures. Due to high fuel prices last year the effort was greatly reduced leaving more doubt with the survey. When we voiced concern about the accuracy of the numbers the standard DEP reply was given the they know the numbers are flawed but its the best they have. Last years numbers should have raised a flag and been further scrutinized and invalidated if necessary.
Based on the catch numbers from 2008 the proposals will have seasons running from 5 to 8 weeks with a minimum size of 19.5 to 20 inches and bag limits of 2 to 5 fluke. Based on proposed regulations in the month of May and a good part of June there will be no fishing for fluke, porgies, blackfish or winter flounder.
Its important to attend this meeting and voice your opinion.

Pat Abate
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
(860) 388-2283

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Posted Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:40 am

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