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"Get Hooked on Connecticut"

Christopher Soto's Blog

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Blog Entrys:
Ball Pond 6/19/2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Ball Pond 6/19/2011

Gardner and I went out to Ball Pond this morning. Got the boat in the water at 7:45 AM. Little late but better late than never! First thing that happened was of course Gardner complained that he hates Ball Pond! Doesn't car if he catches fish there just hates itCry! He is a Squantz kinda guy. 

Of course Gardner catches the first 4 fish. I'm skunked till around 9:00. Then I get the biggest fish, a 2.14 lb LargeMouth! Fought great! Love catchin em on my Carrot Stick with the Shimano CI4 2500 set up. 

We Move again and I get the next LargeMouth then Chris gets 4 more. 

Was a great day on my favorite body of water in the world. Oh and some guy said he caught a 4 lb SmallMouth???? Didn't know there were any in B.P.


Posted at 01:32 PM


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