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BassYaks trolling mo...
Saturday, April 20, 2013
BassYaks trolling motors

motorized kayak fishing is a blast. MORE TIME WITH THE ROD IN YOUR HAND AND NOT A PADDLE. Jump from one hot spot to another quickly. This guy who owns Bassyaks was great to deal with. I installed his 30 lb thrust Min Kota motor myself on a new Ocean Big Game yak. I actually have it in South Fl in the winter. it's quiet and dependable. tThe motor is rigged on the transom where it belongs. you can detach it in less than a minute. the optional lift kit let's you lift the motor quickly when in low water, over rocks or beaching. I highly recommend the rig and the cost can be as little as $ 580 with the lift kit and basic throttle switch.

Posted at 09:59 PM


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