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"Get Hooked on Connecticut"

sean martin's Blog

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Blog Entrys:
carp rescue lake gar...
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
carp rescue lake garda

The storm we had a while back pushed alot of fish over the dam .i went down to take a look at one of the shallow ponds and i noticed there were 2 big carp sitiing in the deepest part of the pond .i never caught a carp before and dident kno how strong they were until i went to pick one of them out of the water .lets just say it took me a hour to get one of them out .lol the first one i took out had to be 15lbs and it was so cut up from the rocks ,i brought it back to the lake and released him .then i went back for the 2 one and he jumped over a fallen tree then took off into another little pond i tryed to get him for like another hour than i gave up .

Posted at 07:47 PM


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