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"Get Hooked on Connecticut"

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Blog Entrys:
Vacation at Hayward ...
Mono Again
Things that make you...
Mono Pond
Some Pics to go with...
New England Fishing
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Vacation at Hayward Lake

This was a great week. Never have I caught so many good size largemouth consistantly in one lake. We pulled in fish from 1 to 6 lbs.

The girls as you can see from my photo section had a great time too! The little one even got up at 5AM on a Sunday to catch some monsters. She had a ball.

During the early morning they pounded the perch and black jointed Rapalas. At night the Boo-Yaahs and Heddon Torpedos did the work.

All in all an amazing week of fishing and relaxation. Now it's back to scouring the state for more good fishing.

Good luck all!

Posted at 05:24 PM

Sunday, July 3, 2011
Mono Again

Yesterday I fished a pond in Western Mass with my son ,then came south to Mono Pond again for an early evening trip. I got there at about 6 and it was dead. A bunch of kayak folks were fishing but nothing seemed to be happening. The pads were dead and had no activity.

We drifted away from the pads and into clear water along the wooded shoreline. At about 7:30, it was like someone hit a switch. Instantly we had nice bass on and monster pickerel. I'm talking the 19-24 inch monster, two of them! We fished until 9 and it stayed pretty steady until then.

Another great trip. It started out slow and disappointing, but gave way to fast and exciting!

Baits-4" jointed Rapala

             rubber worms,crayfish

Posted at 09:59 AM

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Things that make you go hmmmmm!

I always wondered what that factory was on the other side of Silver lake in Berlin/Meriden!


I have requested an update as the last posting was 2001.

Well, I did hear back from the EPA in Boston and they had someone in CT contact me, but they asked another person to contact me and I haven't heard from that person yet. I am just curious as to the status of the case today. I'll find out and post it here.

Posted at 09:36 PM

Monday, June 27, 2011
Mono Pond

I decided on Mono Pond in Columbia, and was really glad I did. This is a clean, clear one hundered something acre pond. The lily pads provide some cover, minimal weeds and great largemouth.

There was no other boat on the water (I had the canoe). Honestly, I put the motor on but never even used it. Paddling was pretty effortless.

So...down to business. I lost at least a half dozen fish. I'm not sure why to tell you the truth. Just bad fishing I guess. I did manage to get a couple in the boat, nice size too. I also got an interesting surprise when a sunny hit my four inch jointed rapala. Yes, that's what got the bass also. I was using Powerbait worms and crayfish and the worms were getting fish, I just couln't keep them on.

I ended up getting off the water about 7pm and the fish were still rising. All in all I really enjoyed it here and will definitely be back.

Posted at 07:43 AM

Saturday, June 25, 2011
Some Pics to go with "June"

LMB from Quabbin

Catfishing at Silver Lake

Hebron Bass

Posted at 10:05 PM

Saturday, June 25, 2011

June was a busy month.

Early on while the bass were bedding, the largmouth action was great. I live near Silver lake so that was an easy destination. Largemouths were hitting steadily until the rain started. I saw someone as recently as last night pull out a nice 3 pounder. If you fish here you know there are a lot of scrappers, so a 3lb bass is nice.

I also spent a nice afternoon on Lake Hayward where the bass and nice size pickerel kept me hopping. What a great day. I bet we pulled in a dozen fish in two hours. Lottsa fun.

I was out there today (Silver Lake) and only landed a pickerel (small Mepps) and a scrappy LMB (rubber worm). The water is murky brown now. Last night however while fishing for catfish, I pulled in a whopper. Yup a whopper eel. Surprised the heck out of me. Last week I pulled in half a dozen bullhead and catfish and the week before that a dozen. Suddenly the last week I'd been getting robbed everytime I threw the line out. I could feel a small nibble, unlike the cats so I figure it was eels all along.

Last weekend I trotted over to Hollbrook Pond in Hebron. Nice little pond. Easy to paddle. I pulled in a nice largemouth, about 3 pounds and a couple of nice pickerel. Unlike some, I don't mind the picks. They provide entertainment.

I also managed to get to the CT river in Northfield MA last week and pulled in some nice smallies. I love that part of the river. In past years I've even pulled a walleye in the boat.

 That's it for today. Still trying to decide where to go tomorrow.

Good luck fishing


Posted at 09:49 PM

Saturday, June 25, 2011
New England Fishing

Just a guy and his canoe!

Posted at 09:37 PM


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