2009 DEP Fishing Report Number 19, 8/27/2009
Reminder to saltwater anglers concerning the marine waters fishing license:

A marine waters fishing license is now required for fishing in the Marine District (this includes Long Island Sound and tidal rivers south of the freshwater demarcation lines as listed on page 46 of the 2009 Connecticut Angler’s Guide).

Environmental Conservation Police will be checking for licenses and initially focusing their efforts on education and outreach. Saltwater anglers need to purchase their license as soon as possible.

The new licenses are available online (www.ct.gov/dep/fishing) and at all current vendors and DEP offices where the existing freshwater fishing and hunting licenses are sold. Please refer to the DEP website for additional information.

Water temperatures in Long Island Sound (LIS) remain in the upper 60’s to mid 70’s °F. Check out the following web sites for more detailed water temperatures and marine boating conditions:

Remember to check the 2009 Connecticut Angler’s Guide for tidal information (page 52) and pages 49-51 for saltwater trophy fish award information.

STRIPED BASS fishing remains good around dawn and twilight. Some cow bass in the high 40’s to 50 lbs range have been taken by anglers fishing live bait. Striper spots include the Watch Hill reefs, the Race, Sluiceway, Pigeon Rip, Plum Gut, outer Bartlett Reef, Hatchett Reef, Long Sand Shoal, Cornfield Point, Southwest Reef, Sixmile Reef, Falkner Island area, Bridgeport Harbor, Penfield Reef, Stratford Shoal/Middle Ground, and the reefs around the Norwalk Islands.

BLUEFISH remain abundant throughout LIS and the tidal rivers. Consistent slammer spots include Watch Hill, Ram Island Reef in Fishers Island Sound, the Race, Pigeon Rip, Plum Gut, Hatchett Reef, lower Connecticut River (DEP Fishing Pier), Long Sand Shoal, Cornfield Point and along the beaches to Westbrook, Sixmile Reef, north rip off Falkner Island, the reefs off Branford, New Haven Harbor, Milford Harbor jetties, Charles Island area to Milford Point, Stratford Shoal/Middle Ground area, Penfield Reef, and Norwalk and Stamford Harbors.

SNAPPER BLUEFISH remains good to excellent. Snappers can be seen on the water surface chasing bait fish in the tidal creeks and coves.

2009 DEP Fishing Report Number 19, 8/27/2009

SCUP fishing remains good to excellent on the local reefs and wrecks with some jumbos in the 17 inch range being reported.

HICKORY SHAD fishing is good in the lower Niantic River. Early in the morning and evening is the best time to fish.

BLUE CRABS are also around in good numbers along the coastline.

Rumors of ATLANTIC BONITO and LITTLE TUNNY have been reported off the Rhode Island beaches and should be in LIS any day!
For regulation updates, please check our website www.ct.gov/dep/fishing

79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106

Posted Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:34 pm

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