Bobct called me up on Friday and reported a 10 fish day on Amos with the biggest being 3-10. Sounds good to me, so we head up on saturday morning to be there at daybreak. Bob gets three in the first hour, Gregg-0. Then it shut down. Saw 6 other fishermen getting no hits as well and stopped to talk to another fella that got one in the am then nothing. Could this cold front from the night before cause lockjaw?? By 10:30 and no fish, we head up the road to Long lake and made sure to launch to the left sde. [ Same ramp Bob pulled out the axle] Again went shallow,deep and dropoffs. Big 0 We called it at 1:30 for a cold beer. Salt water next week for me.

Posted Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:24 am

Amos is hit or miss for me. while fishing a tournament there I had a big zero when we heard one boat already had his 5 and was culling, when we ran into him he told us he was using a 5 inch Gary Yamamoto Christmas tree color Senco. We tide some on and a few cast later my partner landed a 6.3 LMB and we both caught several keepers, they were real shallow.

Posted Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:05 pm

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