We got the boat in at daylight and headed out for the first spot. This is a great time of the year with no skiers or skulls rowing around. We had the lake to our selfs for a few hours. No luck by the first island, so we headed north to get out of the wind and find a point with a good drop off. Started to find fish in 10-12ft of water. Tried a new trick useing a buzzbait as a spinner bait and got the first fish, a big 9". Bob tied on a lucky fat shad in white and started to pull fish in. Worked the NE end for most of the morning, getting 8 bass. Headed to the southend and we picked up 4 more before calling it. Nothing of real size, with a 3lber being the lunker for the day. White cranks seem to be the lure of the day with the water temps 58 and alot of wind.

Posted Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:00 am

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