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"Get Hooked on Connecticut"

John Boudreau's Trips

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This user has 498 trips in their collection.
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11/6/11 - Singletary Lake - Millbury, MA

Avg. Rating: 4.5
# Reviews: 4
Views: 3345
Singletary Lake, Millbury, MA

I reconnected with an old friend Justin I hadnt seen in 10-12 years recently on Facebook. He's has a nice 18-1/2 Skeeter. Our original plan was to get out to get out on Oct. 30th, but that storm did some good damage to the Chelmsford area, so we postponed to this past Sunday. As soon as we pulled in to the lot, in comes a Beaver Feaver sighting. Glad to see we are not the only dopes to launch at that ramp when it was atleast 2ft low, lol. So we launched about 8am, electronics said the water temp wasa balmy 41 degrees. Wind was off and on day, gusting at times, but Sunny most of the time. That 1st ride across the lake really woke me up, lol. We started in the back corner behind the sunken islands thinking we could find some lie near the feeder creek, but with the water so low, the weeds were so thick. We decided to drift the flat back towards the islands. A 6ft flat that is usually 8ft plus. I was throwing a squarebill, Justin was throwing wake/shallow crank. We were seeing followers, and suddenly...Fish on, Rainbow Trout, five casts later, Another Rainbow, Next cast, Another Rainbow which would be all I would catch today. Nice looking fish all in the 3/4lb to 1lb range. Justin finished the day with a Pickerel, and a 1lb Smallie. We called it a day at some where around 130pm. Good, fun day, slow fishing, but good to reaquiant with Justin. Im sure we will doing some more fishing in the future.

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10/31/11 - Lake Cochituate Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 7
Views: 3214
Lake Cochtituate, MA

Halloween Bassin'. Was able to get in about 30 mins after work. Nicer night then we've had lately. Water was calm, murky, and definitely had a nice chill to it. Put one rod out with some Trout Powerbait, but no takers there. Also tried a Jerkbait, and Squarebill with nothing doing. Last ditch effort with the inline spinner pays off with a nice little 1lb bass.

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10/22/11 - Avid Anglers @ Webster Lake
Avg. Rating: 4.833333333333299
# Reviews: 6
Views: 1757
Webster Lake Webster, MA

Last Tournament for 2011, and my usually club status as Co-Angler. You guys thought last Sunday was tough, that was nothing! The Air temp was 5 to 10 degrees cooler, Water Temp was down from 62 to 58. Lock jaw was appearant, since only 2 limits were brought in, 36 fish total between 17 anglers. Only 4 or 5 fish over 2lbs. My boaters rear fish finder crapped out 2 hours into the day. The only 2 Bass I got were shorts, 11" on the drop shot, and 11-3/4" on the carolina rig. My boater had 2 bass for 2-1/4lbs. Nothing from last weekend worked, Just a grind from the get go. Fun fishing the rest of the year, then bring on 2012! God, I cant wait to have my own boat some day!

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10/16/11 - MAFF @ Webster Lake Finale

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 8
Views: 2598
Webster Lake Webster, MA

I had the pleasure of teaming up with Chuck again for the Finale, Team Angry Landlords Reunited. Today's weather was very similar to yesterday when I was out here with one difference, Mostly Sunny instead of Overcast. Anything that worked yesterday didnt when we tried it today. From the start within 15 minutes I had my only two keepers of the day(1-1/2lb, and 1-1/4lb Largemouth), and Chuck had a 2-1/2lb Largemouth. around 830am after a couple Pickerel a piece, Chuck gets another keeper Bass. With Sun shining bright and wind blasting away, the bite suffered. With about hour left Chuck put on a clinic on how to close out a tourney when things are tough, pulling out the Lunker 2lb 15oz, another 1-1/2lber to cull the small one. That doesnt include another 3 to 3-1/2lber that broke off at the boat in that same time frame. Impressive, and I loved every minute it as a learning experience. Thanks again Chuck, hopefully we can do it again sometime.

Also want to thank Johnny, and Smoke for there hard work this year, and everyone else involved all year. Some great fish caught this year! Nice Job Everyone!

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10/15/11 - Webster Lake Pre-Fishing

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 6
Views: 2214
Webster Lake Webster, MA

I got out with John, the Club President for Avid Anglers, for about 6 hours(745am-145pm) of prefishing(about 3 hours of actual fishing) . Mid-October and the water temps are still 62-65 degrees and the weeds and grass are still looking healthy. Wind was definitely a factor 15-20mph, gust to 30 at times. We idled around alot trying to locate bait fish, not much to be found. I wont give any of his spots, Ill just tell ya what we caught. I caught a Bluegill in about 12ft of water on a dropshot, a 1lb Smallmouth in about 20ft on the dropshot, and I get a lesson on Carolina Rigging, and caught my 1st fish on this technique, about a 2lb Largemouth dragging grass flats. John got a 2-1/4 Smallie, another 1lb Smallie, and 3 or so Largemouth in the 1lb range.

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10/8/11 - Webster Lake

Avg. Rating: 4.625
# Reviews: 8
Views: 3343
Webster Lake Webster, MA

Got out with Vinny from about 830am-230pm. Beautiful day, blue bird skies made it a tough fishing day. We tried shallow, deep, and in between. Frogs, Jerkbaits, Squarebills, Rattletraps, Shakeyhead, Tubes, Jigs, and Wacky with no takers. I think dropshot took the few small fish we did get. Vin got a small Smallmouth, a small Largemouth, and a couple Bluegill. I got a Bluegill, and a nice looking Rainbow Trout. It was a nice day for a boat ride, just wish I could shake this slump I seem to be in!

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10/1/11 - Avid Anglers @ Mashpee-Wakeby - Mashpee, MA

Avg. Rating: 4.857142857142899
# Reviews: 7
Views: 3683
Mashpee-Wakeby - Mashpee, MA

Club tourney, 1st on to count toward the 2012 season. I tokk my usual spot as co-angler. Also my 1st time fishing here. Water levels were high, Water Temp was 68 to 70 degrees all day, weather started calm in the AM, then came the pouring rain, and wind, and then about noon time the sun poked out for the last 3 hours. Fishing was tough today, I was 1 of 7, including my boater Scott, that did not catch a keeper. Fish were skattered, and like a typical Cape pond there is very little structure. Scott finished the day with 4 Largemouth of the 10"-11" variety, some yellow perch, and a 4lb Pickerel. I finished with an 11" Smallmouth, 10" Largemouth, 5 Yellow Perch(one about the same size as my 3" Lucky Crat jerkbait, A Sunfish, and about a 4lb Pickerel that broke off that same $15 Lucky Craft jerkbait at the boat, Dohhh. 1st place had 12.84lbs, 2nd was 10.53lbs, 3rd was 9.62lbs, and Lunker was a nice 4.37lb Largemouth.

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9/25/11 - M.A.F.F. @ Chebacco Lake
Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 6
Views: 2507
Chebacco Lake - Hamilton, MA

Well, what a frustrating day for Team Angry Meat. Felt like we tried everything. Now we have had a consistent outing on Chebacco, but we had always been able to scrap together somewhere in the 5lb-8lb range. Not this time, Chebacco let us down. We tried powerfishing, slow finesse, super shallow, mid-range, and deep. Chatterbait, shakeyhead, sluggos, crankbaits, rattletraps, poppers, sammys, football and grass jigs with out a bite. Dropshot only got Vinny some white perch and Calicos, and me a limit of Calicos. Vinny caught our only keeper(1lb 1oz) on a frog at about 11:45am. He got a few more swipes at the frog with no results. I dont think I got one bass bite all day. A 10th place finish on a day where we had high hopes is mighty disappointing. Good Job to everyone who caught them, because we were stumped. Congrats to Chuck, and the B-day Boy on the Win! Looking forward to Webster finale.

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9/16/11 - Charles River Watertown

Avg. Rating: 4.6666666666667
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2753
Charles River - Watertown, MA

September has been a fairly busy month for me, and my fishing time has taken a hit. So it was nice to get out for an hour afterwork on Friday. Weather was seasonally nice, with a breeze. I tried over behind the Ice Rink on a temporary floating dock that is probably there for the rowers, but I toke advantage of it. Started with a jig with no results, Senko nadda, Jerkbait nothing. Switched to the trusty inline spinner, and got 4 Yellow Perch, and 4 Largemouth with the biggest being a pound. Before I lost all daylight, I scooted over to the boat ramp to try and get a few Smallies, and I did. Finished with 3 Smallmouth with the biggest being 3/4lb.

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9/5/11 - Captain's Fishing Parties Marathon Charter - Newburyport, MA

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 2
Views: 8817
Plum Island, MA

Did a 12hr Marathon trip with Vinny. Made sure I did the motion sickness meds right(One the night before, and one the morning of), because it was lining up to be a rougher day than Friday was, and thank christ it worked. There was about 50 people on the boat, which I think is to many for that long of a trip. With the wind/tides/2 to 4 foot seas fishing was on the slow side. Vinny had a decent day, catching mostly on a jig/teaser combo. He caught 3 or 4 good Haddock, 5 or 6 Good Pollack with about 14lbs being the biggest, some short Cod, a Cusk, plus 3 times he had a Blue Sharks either hit his jig, or the fish he was reeling in, but all came unbuttoned before they were near the boat. And he also had a Tuna take his set-up for a ride, but the gear wasnt strong enough for a monster fish like that, so had to break it off before it spooled him. Awesome Power out of those fish. I finished the Day with 2 Dogfish, 3 Short Cod, 2 Cusk, and 2 Keeper Pollock, one was about 17", the other was about 30" around 8 or 9 pounds. Fun trip, but those rough seas really beat up the body, banging up against the railing all day. Definitely will go again, but with less people booked.

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9/2/11 - Captain's Fishing Parties Charter - Newburyport, MA

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 5
Views: 12132
Plum Island, MA

Did an 8 hour trip(8am to 4pm with my Girlfriend. Day starting rough for me as the motion sickness meds not working, lack of sleep, consistent stomach dropping waves had me chumming the water early, and not fishing until about 11:30am as I started finally feeling better. Melissa landed a 20" Haddock for the cooler, Also a 20" Cusk, a short Cod, and Haddock, Plus about 8 Dogfish. The dogs were relentless all day. My catched were a 26" Cod(my 1st Ever) 20" Haddock(my 1st ever), 18" Pollack(my 1st ever) for the cooler. Also 2 Cusk(25" anf 18"), a short Cod, and a tiny 8"-9" Haddock. Finished the day strong after getting the sickness out of the way

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8/26/11 - Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA

Avg. Rating: 4.25
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2094
Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA

Afterwork for about an hour I tried a few spots. Started on Rt. 85 just off route 9. Tons of bait fish around, but thats about it. Tried a popper, senko, and jig with no action. Got a couple of 5", 6" Bass on the inline spinner. Wish I had some dropshot stuff with me, but its all with the tourney gear at home, doh. Moved to the Bridge off Acre Bridge Rd. Topwater, Senko, and inline spinner get nothing. With polarized glasses on I could a couple Bass(about 2-1/2lbs, 1-1/2lber, and 1lber) hanging around the mouth of the culvrit. Start pitching the jig, of course the 1lber is on it. Couldnt get the other 2 to budge.

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8/22/11 - Charles River Watertown Ramp
Avg. Rating: 4.5
# Reviews: 2
Views: 1829
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Only had about 10 minutes to spend, started with a popper, nada. Switched to an inline spinner, 1st cast a 1/2 lb Smallie decides to play. 20 minutes later I call it a day caude now Im running later, lol

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8/21/11 - M.A.F.F. @ The Nashua River Groton, MA
Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 5
Views: 3629
Nashua River - Groton, MA

Well, after still feeling great from the Dudley Pond Tournament, this place knocked me down a peg on two. Im thankful Ive had very few days like this is 2011. It was a helpless/lost feeling that set in after about an hour or so into the tourney, and we just flat-out struggled to put anything together. With frustration riding high, decided to pack it up a little early to get out of the way for the potentail chaos at the ramp lot after the tourney. Id love know what was working for everyone, cause we frogged, Flipped wood/weeds, Jigs to everything, Tubes, Shakeyhead, I tried Poppers, Vinny tried Crankin' which got a couple pickerel, and a perch, I dropshotted everything again getting pickerel, and a perch, senkos only got me one 8" Bass. I just dont get it, we were throwing to those "nasty areas", definitely lost some tackle because of it. We could barely move in shallow coves because of the growth. Kudos to Team Boom on a 1st place finish, and Ed on the lunker, and everyone who caught them. And what a turnout, was it 17-18 teams, That shows you what a good job Johnny and Smoke do with these, bravo Gents!

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8/16/11 - Charles River Watertown Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4.75
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2348
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Stopped at the Ramp afterwork for about an hour(630ish-730ish). There was a guy there already fishing some topwater(zara pupy type of bait I think), so I asked if he minded If I joined him, and he was cool with that. He had landed a mix of small Largemouth, and Smallmouth up to a pound before left about 7pm. I started with the iline spinner and got 2 Yellow Perch,1 8" Smallie, and 3 small Largemouth(8"-10" range). I tried a small jerkbait, 2 more Yellow Perch. Switch to a popper, and fun was on, 3 more Smallies 12" 3-4lb, 11" 1/2lb, and a 9". All good fighter for there size.

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8/14/11 - M.A.F.F. Cartopper Tournament @ Dudley Pond

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 17
Views: 2801
Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

Ill Start by saying I usually dont do the cartopper tourneys, because Vinny (My usual teammate) or I dont have a cartopper boat. But I was intrigued by Dudley, I had only fished it from shore for 4 years prior. So I put out the feelers to see if anyone needed a partner, and Chuck of the Landlords welcomed me aboard. So the day starts, Chuck was throwing some sort of Carolina Rig, and I was Dropshotting. Chuck get us on the board with 2 Bass (1-1/2lb and about 2lbs), and Im thinking, should I still be Dropshotting as I cant keep the Bluegills(about 20 at the end of the day) off my bait, but I stayed with it. Scary to think Chuck get into one that was in the 3 to 4 lb range that would have improved our total weight, but it shook him off not far from the boat. I finally get a non-Bluegill bite, and Chuck and I know I got a pig on, as he's saying "loosen you drag, take your time, let him tire himself out" get him to the boat about 5 minutes later, and put this 5-1/2lber in the livewell. Not long after Im on again, and I know this one is bigger. Which ended up being Lunker we put this 6lb 6oz beast in the livewell. Chuck switches to a dropshot for a bit, and He's into another slob. A 6lber to fill our limit by 8:30am. Then the Bite dies. Chuck later gets one around 3lbs to cull out the 1-1/2lber. We try shallow wood and brush for a while, and catch them on jigs, and worms, but nothing bigger then our smallest which was somewhere around 2lbs. All in all, the 1st 2 hours was good, but from 9am till the end of the tourney its was a grind. Great job everyone, lots of fish caught today, and everyone was on the board. Our 23lb 1oz bag gave us 1st place and lunker. Chuck's gameplan worked out for us, and we were lucky enough to get those slobs when we did. 1st thanks goes to Smoke and Johnny for there time and effort running all these tourney, topnotch as usual. 2nd thanks to everyone involved in fishing these tourneys, great competitors all of you. And last but not least, Chuck, thanks for giving me the opportunity to get out there with you, I had a blast, and now a new personal best 6lb 6oz Largemouth. Talk about nerve racking landing those beauties on 6lb test!

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8/11/11 - Heard Pond - Sudbury Pond

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 1
Views: 2230
Heard Pond - Sudbury, MA

Got out with my buddy Johnny aka Bag-a-Bass. Always good to hang with Johnny even if its a short outing. Water level was better after the rain the night before. Only problem was the fish werent biting. After about an hour Johnny had to take off, and of course thats when I get bite. Not big, but its something atleast. A 3/4lb Largemouth on the senko, and finished with a Yellow Perch on the inline spinner.

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8/9/11 - Northshore Honey Hole
Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 1
Views: 1367
Somewhere on the Northshore, MA

Met up with Vinny for an hour afterwork to hit one of the honey holes. Wind was swirling, rain was slowing trying to move in. Fished weightless senko the hole time. Every bite, and catch was close to shore, within 5-10 feet. Vinny got a 1-1/2lb Largemouth. I finished with 4 dink Largemouth of the 10-11 inch range.

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8/8/11 - Dudley Pond Wayland, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 2
Views: 1799
Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

When I made this stop a week ago the water level wasnt doing to good, but the good amount of rain in the middle of the week helped things look better yesterday for sure, but that a story for another trip. I fished the shallow slop for about 25mins. Threw a frog the whole time. A couple slaps at the bait, and one 3/4lb Largemouth to finish the outing.

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8/2/11 - Danielson Pond - Medfield, MA

Avg. Rating: 4.4
# Reviews: 5
Views: 2688
Danielson Pond - Medfield, MA

Tried this place for the 1st time in a year or so afterwork(6:45pm to 8pm). Never had much success here in the past. Shallow and murky is the best description for this place.Frogs and Senko were the choice tonight. Started with the rage frog in and around the pads and slop, nothing doing, so I switch to the senko. After about 5 minutes I get into one, a good fighter, flip a nice 17" 2lb 2oz Largemouth up onto shore. Certainly my best Bass out of this pond. A couple minutes later I get a 3/4lb Bass on the Senko, about 10 minutes after that a 1lb 5oz Bass. That bite slowed so I switched to a Spro Frog. I got a couple whacks, but only hooked up with one, a 14oz Largemouth. And with the thunder in the distance I called it a night.

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8/1/11 - Charles River Watertown Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4.6666666666667
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2109
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Once again hit this spot, as my 2nd stop tonight. Only got in about a half hour. Of course inline spinner was the choice. Started slow, pick-up one chunky Bluegill. Then the breeze deaded, and you could see bait fish on the surface being chased...Boom, 3/4lb Smallie... 2 minutes later, Boom 1lb Smallie... 4 Minutes later, Boom another 1lb Smallie...Next cast, Bam a 1-1/4lb Smallie. All hit like a freight train. I even had 3 other bites that came unbuttoned that felt just as good as any of those 4 did. As the darkness crept in and no more bites I called it a night.

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8/1/11 - Ashland (Bracket Reservoir), MA

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Views: 1988
Ashland (Bracket Reservoir), MA

1st of 2 stops tonight. Tried here for the 1st time this year. Water was a little muky near the shoreline. Some of the structure in the spot I was is gone. Couple of nice laydowns, that always held a few fish. Fished a senko and landed 3 largemouth up to 3/4lbs, but the bite was weird. No tap, just line running, so by the time I caught up to them, they had the hook deep. Thanks to a deep hook removal tutorial the "Bassterrorist" put up on the message boards, I was able to save them. But moved on, not wanting to deal with that the rest of the night.

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7/31/11 - Northshore Honey Holes

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 1
Views: 1808
Somewhere on the Northshore, MA

Met up with Vinny for about an hour last night to hit a couple spots. Water looked visibly better than earlier in the week. Slow at the 1st spot, only got a 10" Bass to take a senko before we moved on after a half hour to the next stop. Started with the Rage Frog buzzing the matts/pads/sludge and nothing, back to the senko and I got a 12" Bass and 1-1/4lb Bass. Back to the frog in a different section to finish the night yields an aggressive 3/4lb Bass.

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7/29/11 - Charles River Watertown Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 2
Views: 2235
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Dodged a few rain drops afterwork for about 15-20 minutes. Water level was down, but the clarity was better than normal. Threw an inline spinner that resulted in a Yellow Perch, and a fiesty 1/2lb Smallie.

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