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"Get Hooked on Connecticut"

John Boudreau's Trips

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This user has 498 trips in their collection.
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9/26/07 - Charles River - Waltham, MA
Avg. Rating: 2.8333333333333
# Reviews: 6
Views: 4629
Charles River, MA

My buddy caught a small Large Mouth and a sunfish on a floating minnow
Location Details: Some tree over hang keeps casting limited, but nice clearing at the shore and decent current. Has potential I think

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9/25/07 - Ashland (Bracket Reservoir)

Avg. Rating: 2.6666666666667
# Reviews: 3
Views: 3279
Ashland (Bracket Reservoir), MA

Not alot of action...Another day of extremely low water levels...Need some F-ing rain.

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9/24/07 - Duck Pond - Charles River - Waltham, MA

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 3
Views: 4387
Charles River, MA

Plenty of area to cast. With the water level so low alot vegatation and floating muck present. Decent potential with a higher water level

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9/2/07 - Salem, NH - Arlington Mill Reservoir

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2876
Arlington Mill Reservoir, NH

Same as first post

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9/1/07 - Plum Island - Merrimac River

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 4
Views: 4323
Plum Island/Merrimac River, MA

Another favorite of mine for surfcasting. Right where the Merrimac River meets the Atlantic Ocean. Blues and Stripers galore depending on the time of year.

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8/25/07-8/26/07 - Chapin Beach - Cape Cod - Dennis, MA

Avg. Rating: 4.7142857142857
# Reviews: 7
Views: 3887
Chapin Beach, MA
8/25/2007 - 8/26/2007

5 Stripers in 2days. My biggest so far at 23in and 3lbs 10oz. Fishing sand eels my buddy had raked the day before.

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8/24/07 - Ashland (Bracket Reservoir)
Avg. Rating: 3.5
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2895
Ashland (Bracket Reservoir), MA

Same as 8/21/07

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8/22/07 - Ashland (Bracket Reservoir)
Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 4
Views: 3054
Ashland (Bracket Reservoir), MA

Same as 8/21/07

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8/21/07 - Ashland (Bracket Reservoir)

Avg. Rating: 3.4
# Reviews: 5
Views: 4000
Ashland (Bracket Reservoir), MA

Only ever seen bass come out of here. But can be caught on a variety of lures.

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8/16/07 - Farm Pond - Framingham, MA
Avg. Rating: 3.3333333333333
# Reviews: 6
Views: 4784
Farm Pond, MA

Rumor is that there is supposed to big some decent bass in this pond. Shallow in general, worse with the lack of precipatation this year.

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8/19/07 - Chapin Beach - Cape Cod - Dennis, MA

Avg. Rating: 3.8
# Reviews: 5
Views: 3853
Chapin Beach, MA

This is the beach where I fell in love with surfcasting. 4WD beach, lots of cool people. Ive seen some nice stripers come off this shore 40" plus, And caught my first ever flounder here. Nice deep channel to bottom rig in weither its high or low tide.

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8/15/07 - Winthrop Lake - Holliston, MA
Avg. Rating: 2.75
# Reviews: 4
Views: 5228
Winthrop Lake, MA

Went with a buddy of mine to check this place out. There are other places around the lake to fish, but we just stayed in this general area. Small beach area,very shallow like most bodies of water this year. Some pads off to the sides of the main clearly to work around. Ended up pulling in a few. Nothing big, but better than nothing

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8/9/07 - Ashland (Bracket Reservoir)

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 4
Views: 4517
Ashland (Bracket Reservoir), MA

Drove by this area one night after work and decided to try it. A couple of clearing on both sides of the road. Not the easiest to get to. Parking is a couple minute walk away. A little bit of a hill to get down to the shore line. Seems to be plenty of bass of all sizes, but havent seen anything else.

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8/7/07-8/8/07 - Lake Cochituate - South Lake by Train Tracks

Avg. Rating: 3.6
# Reviews: 5
Views: 5221
Lake Cochtituate, MA
8/7/2007 - 8/8/2007

Down off Rt 135 over the train tracks. With the water level being down theres plenty of shore to fish off of. Rumored to have some big bass at this end of the lake.

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8/4/07 - Anchorage at the Lake Cottage - Winnesquam Lake - Tilton, NH

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 5
Views: 3249
Lake Winnesquam, NH

Love this lake, good variety of fish. Nothing with any size this trip. Most bites on 1/8 Rooster tails. I missed a nice Bass on a slipshot worm.

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7/31/07 - Riverside Park - Charles River - Newton, MA

Avg. Rating: 3.2
# Reviews: 5
Views: 5448
Charles River, MA

A couple of area's I found to fish. A clearing to the right side of the park with pads to work around and a small island about 25 feet away. Very shallow though, Im interested to see it with a better water level. The other is staight though to the back of the park with a couple small docks to work off of, alittle bit of current and looks fairly deep as well. And my gf caught her 1st ever Largemouth Bass.

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07/30/07 - Duck Pond - Charles River - Waltham, MA

Avg. Rating: 3.75
# Reviews: 4
Views: 6263
Charles River, MA

1st time Ive tried this area. Plenty of area to cast. With the water level so low alot vegatation and floating muck present. Decent potential with a higher water level

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6/30/07 + 7/22/07 - Arlington Mill Reservoir - Salem, NH

Avg. Rating: 3.2
# Reviews: 5
Views: 3233
Arlington Mill Reservoir, NH

Casting off a dock, Decent variety off fish. Not much cover for the fish besides neighboring boat docks.

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This user has 498 trips in their collection.

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