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"Get Hooked on Connecticut"

John Boudreau's Trips

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This user has 498 trips in their collection.
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9/19/05 - Charles River - Waltham

Avg. Rating: 3.5
# Reviews: 2
Views: 3014
Charles River - Waltham, MA

***Another Old Trip*** days after landing a 4 pounder, I follwed up with this 3 1/2 pounder.

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9/15/05 - Charles River - Waltham

Avg. Rating: 3.3333333333333
# Reviews: 3
Views: 3094
Charles River - Waltham, MA

***Another Old Trip*** This is probably my biggest Largemouth to date. Again it was also while I was still using live bait.

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8/21/05 - Winnesquam River, NH

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2559
Lake Winnesquam, NH

***Another old trip*** This is my first ever smallie, nothing big, but its a start. Fishing off my Grandparents dock.

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8/14/05 - Charles River - Waltham Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 3
Views: 5878
Charles River - Waltham, MA

***This is an old trip. just wanted to add it because of the different spot and different catch*** This was when I was just getting back into fishing. Still was using live bait. Nice dock area to fish off of.

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6/14/08 - Chapin's Beach - Dennis, MA - Cape Cod
Avg. Rating: 4.3333333333333
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2933
Chapin Beach, MA

Love this beach...fished here many times. Guy at the bait shop said there's a ton of Bass in Cape Cod Bay right now. For the most part it was pretty slow for us. My buddy caught a foot long schoolie on a white grub, I caught a 14" on a sea worm.

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6/10/08 - Farm Pond - Framingham, MA

Avg. Rating: 3.6666666666667
# Reviews: 3
Views: 3437
Farm Pond, MA

Wow. Hot, hot, hot. 90 degrees at 6pm...yikes. Tried Farm Pond for the first time this year. Panfishing was outstanding, lol. 2 Bluegill, 7 Sunfish, 1 Yellow Perch. Moved to a different spot to focus on Bass a little after 7pm. Worked the slug-go and got a heavy hit on the first cast...a nice size largemouth jumped out of the water and spit my bait back...DOH!! Id guess it was 2 plus pounds. After that I missed 4 more bites before finally landed a 12in Larry at the end of the night. Alot of quanity, but I missed the quality today. I be bvack for that big one for sure, and soon!!

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6/7/08 - Winthrop Beach - Winthrop, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 2
Views: 5481
Winthrop Beach, MA

Tried surfcasting on Winthrop Beach for the first time today. Using clams on a slider rig. Set up a half hour before high time (should have got there 2 hours before) after high tide there was a ton of seaweed and stuff in the tide. One bite, one Striper. Happened to be my biggest ever at 24.5in 4lb10oz. Awesome, but stil looking for my first keeper

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6/5/08 - Charles River Duck Pond

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 3
Views: 4025
Charles River - Waltham, MA

Decided to try a spot I had a little bit of success at last year. Plenty of shore line,pretty shallow, alot vegation and muck in a couple areas. Ended with 2 bass. I take it.

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6/2/08 - Lake Cochtituate Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 4
Views: 1189
Lake Cochtituate, MA

Not much to report today besides more vegatation and less fish. And I gotta find a spot where they dont lock the gate at 8pm...that since to be around when primetime fishing time is getting going. All in all I ended with one foot long Larry.

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5/30/08 - 5/31/08 - Panther Lake - Raymond, ME

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 6
Views: 3036
Panther Lake - Raymond, ME
5/30/2008 - 5/31/2008

Attended a wedding at Kingsley Pines camp site which happens to be on Panther Lake. I was able to sneak away to get my fish on. Friday night I fished off the shore. Pretty windy. Ended up with 1 8in smallmouth. Saturday me and a buddy grabbed a canoe went into a nice cove, bunch of rock piles, A nice tree lay down. I had 2 larry's hammer a slug-go. Good stuff.

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5/29/08 - 2 part - Lake Cochtituate/Charles River

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 4
Views: 3741
Lake Cochtituate/Charles River, MA

Started today at Lake Cochtituate Boat Ramp. Kinda slow, but the Slug-go landed two 1lb+ Bass. And now that its peak season the DPC closes the gates at 8pm. So on the way home I stopped off at the Watertown Boat Ramp. Fished briefly, got 1 small bass. There was a bunch of river herring swimming around. I was hoping Id see same Striper action, but no dice. Oh well, beautiful day and 3 bass, I take that anyday.

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5/26/08 - Short Beach - Winthrop/Revere Line

Avg. Rating: 4.25
# Reviews: 4
Views: 5516
Short Beach - Winthrop/Revere, MA

No work today so I made the two minute walk to the Beach. Got there an hour before high tide and stayed till an hour after high tide. Wind was tough, I got sandblasted while I was out there. Frozen Clams was the bait of choose. Soft bite today. I landed 1 of the 4 bites I got. But it was great to pull in my first striper of 2008.

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5/25/08 - Arlington Mill Reservoir - Salem, NH

Avg. Rating: 3.25
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2959
Arlington Mill Reservoir, NH

Beautiful weather, BBQ, Beers, And Fishing. Doesnt get much better than this. Some friends catching big slab sunfish, and a small bass. Slow bite today, I missed probably 10 hits. I finished up the night with a Yellow Perch, a Pickerel, and a Bass.

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5/23/08 - North Pond/Lake Maspenock

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 3
Views: 4293
North Pond/Lake Maspenock, MA

Started in my usually spot tonight, but was a little slower than I expected. So I explored a couple different areas on the lake. Worked on my slug-go technique and got 2 small bass and a Perch on a crank bait.

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5/21/08 - Charles River - Watertown Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 2.75
# Reviews: 4
Views: 6013
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Trying a new spot once again. Rumor is in the spring time the Stripers will chase the bait fish up the river to the damn in Watertown center. So I waited out the rain a it turned out to be a ok evening. The whole time I was fishing there was constant splashes, rings and surface action. Maybe Striper chasing the Herring, I dont know. But I couldnt get much going. One bump, one bite, then finally I landed a fish. To my suprise it was a Smallmouth Bass...didnt know there was any in the Charles. The lesson I learned tonight...carry some 4 or 5 inch salt water swim baits with your freshwater gear just incase.

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5/20/08 - Lake Cochtituate Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 4
Views: 3183
Lake Cochtituate, MA

Not much going on today. Cold front moving in, threat of rain. Lock jaw big time. Tried a couple of different spots around the boat ramp back woods area. Mostly shallow shore lines. Got one Calico from the main area.

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5/19/08 - Lake Cochtituate - South Lake by train tracks and Middle Lake boat launch

Avg. Rating: 4.25
# Reviews: 4
Views: 3038
Lake Cochtituate, MA

Very windy today. Gusting and swirling. Made the best of it. Hit the South Lake for about an hour and got a 12in Pickerel, and a 8in Calico. Moved to the Middle Lake Boat Ramp for the last hour and got a 6in Blue Gill, and 10.5in Largemouth. Aquatic Vegatation is coming in quick.

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5/17/08 - Upper & Lower Mystic Lake - Medford, MA
Avg. Rating: 3.6666666666667
# Reviews: 3
Views: 5385
Upper Mystic Lake - Medford, MA

Beautiful weather today but it turned out a disappointing day of fishing. Try about 1/2 dozen different spots. Just couldnt get the bite going today. Ended the day with a 6in and a 3in Bass. On a side note unfortunately I witnessed some A**holes harvesting River Herring Illegally. I hope those jackasses get caught.

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5/15/08 - Upper Mystic Lake - Medford, MA

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 2
Views: 8773
Upper Mystic Lake - Medford, MA

Another 1st time fishing a new body of water. Stupid traffic didnt leave me much time to explore, only had about 45 minutes till dark, so I just picked a spot that looked like it had good depth on the Masswildlife.com Map and it payed off big time. 2 Larrys with the biggest at 18 1/2in 3lbs 3oz...WOOHOO. My biggest Bass in years.

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5/14/08 - North Pond/Lake Maspenock

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 4
Views: 3950
North Pond/Lake Maspenock, MA

Loving this spot. Very productive so far. Started getting winding and cold this evening, but still got 4 bass included my biggest Largemouth in 2 years at 1 3/4lbs. My buddy Chris landed 3 small bass, and a big yellow perch.

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5/8/08 - North Pond/Lake Maspenock

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 3
Views: 5273
North Pond/Lake Maspenock, MA

Wow...Quite a difference from last night. 70 degrees with a swirling wind. Fish were on fire tonight. 1st cast, Bang, 2nd cast, Bang, 5 cast, Bang, etc. Fished about 2 hours and landed 11 Bass and 1 Calico. And I even missed a few bit too. Nothing bigger then 1 1/4lbs but still a great night.

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5/7/08 - Lake Cochtituate Boat Ramp
Avg. Rating: 2
# Reviews: 3
Views: 1966
Lake Cochtituate, MA

A slow night. Got pretty windy as the sun was setting. One bluegill, One 6" Bass ended the shutout.

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5/6/08 - Flax Pond

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 3
Views: 4123
Flax Pond, MA

Another Pond Im trying for the first time. Only had time to fish for about a half hour. Didnt get much chance to check out the landscape. Plenty shoreline to fish from where I was. Ended up with a Bass and a yellow perch, and my girlfriend got a yellow perch as well. Plenty nibbles and bite miss as well.

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5/1/08 - North Pond/Lake Maspenock

Avg. Rating: 3.25
# Reviews: 4
Views: 4649
North Pond/Lake Maspenock, MA

My first time trying this body of water. Ive heard its usually fairly productive. Good area for casting on both sides of the bridge, a couple docks to work. Me and a friend fished for a hour and half after work. He caught a decent pickerel. Out of three bites tonight I got two of them, a Bass just shy of a pound, and a 2lb Pickerel. On the north side of the bridge there were plenty of splashes and rings all night.

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