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"Get Hooked on Connecticut"

John Boudreau's Trips

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This user has 498 trips in their collection.
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9/17/08 - Waushakum Pond - Framingham, MA

Avg. Rating: 2.25
# Reviews: 4
Views: 3872
Waushakum Pond - Framingham, MA

Didnt know much about this place, but decided to try it after work. Ive heard it was a good place long ago. But as of recent its pretty lame. Mostly shallow, with a mucky bottom. Very little shoreline to get to that isnt somebodies property. Left here with one 7" Yellow perch, and much dissappointment.

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9/16/08 - Lake Cochtituate Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2470
Lake Cochtituate, MA

After work I meet up with 3 friends. Aimee, Mike, and Katie. They all definately all got the fishing bite a little bit. Got cold pretty quickly as the sun went down, and I figured that would kill the action. Katie did get one 10" Bass on a 6" Ribbontail Worm, and I got one 1lb plus Bass on a 4" Senko.

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9/11/08 - Lake Cochtituate Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 3.3333333333333
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2483
Lake Cochtituate, MA

Loosing daylight rapidly and it sucks. I usually dont travel to far when my time to fish is shortened due to lack of daylight. Fished with Chris after work. Cold front moving in dropped the temp about 20 degrees quickly. Kinda slow but I got a few takers, the biggest Bass on a spinnerbait at 1lb 6oz.

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10/08/06 + 10-09-06 - Chapin's Beach - Dennis, MA

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 5
Views: 4442
Chapin Beach, MA
10/8/2006 - 10/9/2006

***Old Trip Alert*** Totally forgot about this weekend trip until I found the photos while organizing all my fish pics. Beautiful weekend in October. Saturday was an amazing day for the amount of striper me and 3 friends caught. The water was boiling as they chased the bait fish out into the bay. You couldnt cast with out hooking into one. My friend Steve caught 20 stripers on a 1/2oz white grub, my friend Tony caught 10, I caught 7 on a Rapala Original Floater F-11, and my friend Robbie caught 5 on a 4in swimbait. Incredible! Day two was deffinately about Quality. My buddy landed a cow. It was 39.5in, almost 19lbs, and took him about 20 minutes to land it. I only got one that day @ 21.5in 3lb 4oz. Great memories!

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9/9/08 - Dudley Pond

Avg. Rating: 2.5
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2426
Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

Stopped at Mansion Beach after work to see if the water level was up, and it was. Fished for about a half hour with a 4" Senko. Landed 2 very nice Larry's at 1lb 13oz and 1lb 9oz. Good fighters.

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9/8/08 - Lake Cochtituate Boat Ramp
Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 3
Views: 1507
Lake Cochtituate, MA

Only fished about a half hour tonight. Same place as usual here. Started throwing a 4" senko and got twin 10" Bass. Then started throwing the new Tru-Tungsten 6.5in "Stingers". Pretty cool, there pre-weighted in the head or the tail. Fall at 1 foot for second, so depending on how you rig them, they will do a different fall. And no more bullet weight needed for those texas rigged. Something new and different to try boys.

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9/5/08 - Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

Avg. Rating: 2.3333333333333
# Reviews: 3
Views: 1498
Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

Mansion Beach @ Dudley Pond. 2nd of 2 stops tonight. What a different, very little wind. I stayed with throwing the Senko. Got alot of soft bites on the 5" with no hook ups so I changed to a 4". With a few more nibbles, I finally got one at the end of the night. Only a 1/2lb Bass, but better than nothing.

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9/05/08 - Lake Cochtituate Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 2.6666666666667
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2233
Lake Cochtituate, MA

1st of 2 stops tonight. Only fished here for a half hour. Very windy. Threw a senko in the milfoil for a while and it did produce a nice 1 pound Bass. Wind in my face forced me to move to my next spot @ Dudley...

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9/4/08 - Lake Cochtituate Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2325
Lake Cochtituate, MA

Went fishing with my friend Aimee after work tonight. It was her first time fishing here. The DPR should be stocking trout here very soon. Milfoil is very thick right now, but it didnt stop us. She caught one 10" Bass on a shallow crankbait, and lost a bigger one on a Weightless Texas Rigged 4" Senko that I set up for her. I got 1 sunfish on a Rooster tail, 2 small bass on a 5" Senko, and a 14 1/2in 1lb 2oz Bass on the Slug-go.

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9/3/08 - Walden Pond - Concord, MA

Avg. Rating: 3.375
# Reviews: 8
Views: 4711
Walden Pond - Concord, MA

Fished Walden Pond for the first time after work tonight. Ive walked and swam here for years. Ive heard its great for Trout, especially after the DPR stocks it in the spring and fall with Rainbow's, Brown's, Brookie's, And Tiger's, which should be happening very soon. Ive also heard its below average for Panfish, Pickerel, Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass, but I tried it anyway. Had to walk halfway around the pond to get to a decent spot. I would have walked the whole way, but they lock the gates at 7:30PM. Ended up with two 1/2lb Larry's. Not great, but alot better then I thought.

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9/1/08 - Mystic River - Medford, MA

Avg. Rating: 2.75
# Reviews: 4
Views: 3938
Mystic River - Medford, MA

My second stop today, got here about 5pm. Start at a spot I tried a few weeks ago. In about 20 minute I got 4 small Bass, the biggest being 8in. Moved to a spot across the river that I fished till about 7pm. There I got a Pumpkin Seed, Two 6in Bass, One 10 1/4in Bass, and one 12 3/4in Bass. Nothing huge by still a very fun day.

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9/1/08 - Spy Pond - Arlington, MA

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 4
Views: 4810
Spy Pond - Arlington, MA

Had the day off from work, so your damn right I went fishing. This was my first stop of the day. Nice clearing at the end of Gould Rd. Shallow in close, can wade out a good 20ft anyway. Got there about 2pm, and it was slow. Only bite I could get going was on the Roostertail. Ended about 4:30pm with 1 sunfish and 3 small Bass, and moved on to the next spot

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8/29/08 - Brackett Reservoir - Ashland, MA

Avg. Rating: 3.2
# Reviews: 5
Views: 5408
Ashland (Bracket Reservoir), MA

I havent fished here since last year. Brown stained water, not much structure. My friend caught a 2 3/4lb Larry here last year. I went hoping for a big Bass, But got My biggest White Perch to date, and my biggest Bluegill to date instead. First time Ive seen or caught anything other then Bass out of here. No big bass were playing today. A ton of small bass and panfish hitting the surface. 9 fish in all, 5 small Bass, 1 White Perch, 1 Calico Bass, and 2 Huge Bluegill. Fun trip in all.

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8/28/08 - Lake Cochtituate Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 3.5
# Reviews: 6
Views: 2583
Lake Cochtituate, MA

Fished the Dock off the canoe rental shack after work tonight. Nice day, started with a little bit of a breeze, then started gusting for a while. Cover is pretty dense here right now. Ended with 2 sunfish and My biggest Largemouth out of Cochtituate at 2lbs 1oz.

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8/26/08 - Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2624
Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

Stopped at the beach head on the south end at 6:30am before work this morning for about ten minutes. Mansion Beach its called. Very calm water. Probably only made ten casts with an 4.5in Alewife Slug-go, but got one 14in 1lb 1oz Bass. Decided to head back to the same spot after work. Fish for another 1 1/2 hours. Ended with another Bass @ 14 3/4in 1lb 2oz on the Slug-go. Had a nice blow up on a popper but never hit it. Also caught probably the smallest sunfish ever, it was every bit of 2 inches.

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8/22/08 - Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2663
Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

I fished the South end beach head tonight after work. When I got there the water was loaded with sunfish being terrorized by about a 1/2 dozen 1lb Larry's. Very cool too watch. Very shallow at this end, but there's fish there, Got one 12in Bass right away, then it slowed down. About 7pm I pitched a slug-go under a tree overhang to my right about 5 feet offshore and bagged a 1lb 7oz Larry to end the night. Nice fight!

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8/21/08 - Charles River - Duck Pond

Avg. Rating: 2.75
# Reviews: 4
Views: 3021
Charles River - Waltham, MA

Meet up with my buddy Mike how Im working on getting into fishing. I gave him an old cheapy rod/reel combo I wasnt using anymore. We fished for about 45mins at the Waltham Duck Pond. Water level was way high. I ended the night with another small Bass and a sunfish. The sunfish hit while my rod was leaning against the stone wall and my rooster tail was dangling an inch over the water.

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8/21/08 - Charles River - Waltham Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 3.2
# Reviews: 5
Views: 5553
Charles River - Waltham, MA

1st trip of today - Fished the Waltham Boat Ramp dock while I waited for a friend to meet up with me. Nice dock at the launch ramp, nothing special as far as structure goes. I wasnt there more than 10 minutes when some jackass start fishing shiners right next to me. and 10 minutes later a family with there to small kids fishing the same area. I guess courtesy is a thing of the past. Then some jackass almost backs his truck completely into the water while attempting to take his boat out. Ended this part of the trip with a big fat White Perch and a foot long Bass.

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8/20/08 - A-1/Stump Pond - Westboro, MA

Avg. Rating: 2.5
# Reviews: 4
Views: 7643
A-1/Stump Pond - Westboro, MA

Made my first Stump Pond trip tonight after work. Not so memorable. Would be awesome from a small boat. Walked the shore off of Mill Rd. There not kinding about weedless or topwater only. Slow night for everyone there. Saw a guy get a small bass, I got a foot long Pickerel.

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8/19/08 - North Pond/Lake Maspenock - Hopkniton, MA

Avg. Rating: 2
# Reviews: 3
Views: 3191
North Pond/Lake Maspenock, MA

Fished with Chris tonight after work. The usual spot we fish was occupied by undesirables. Tried two spots with no luck before ending up at the south end of the pond by the damn. The town cleared all the trees from the 200 feet of shore line. Seems like this area would be hot in the spring. But overall slow tonight. Chris got 1 foot long Larry, I got 1 big Yellow Perch. A couple other guys caught 2 small Larry's and a nice Smallie, probably about 1lb.

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8/18/08 - Mystic River - Medford, MA

Avg. Rating: 3.4
# Reviews: 5
Views: 5199
Mystic River - Medford, MA

With the Bass fishing being slow for me recently, I decided to change it up today. A little panfishing to see if the small fries were biting. Only broke out one rod and one Rooster Tail. Found this cozy spot, a little tree over hang, some patches of lily pads, a little slop in the water, and a little current. Off and on bait fish jumping out in the middle off the river going down stream. A ton of bites, ended the night with 1 Sunfish, 1 Yellow Perch, 2 dinky Bass, and a ton of bug bites.

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8/14/08 - Lake Cochtituate Boat Ramp
Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 4
Views: 1054
Lake Cochtituate, MA

I fished the dock thats off the canoe rantal shack tonight. Alot of growth, weedless was the only way to fish. Slow bite.Threw a Spro Frog, no bites, a 4" Zoom Fluke, no bites, and 4.5in Slug-go, 3 bites. First bite broke off on me (abrasive in my mono leader I think)Saw the bass, probably a foot long. Second bite,, landed a 12" bass. Third bite I think was a big Pickerel, hit the slug-go like a truck and stripped me of my hook. Basterd, lol. Im ready for some fall bassing. The slow summertime bite sucks.

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8/12/08 - Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

Avg. Rating: 3.1666666666667
# Reviews: 6
Views: 2508
Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

I was hoping for a break in the rain tonight after work...and I got it for long enough to land a nice larry on the Slug-go. Missed a few other hits and had a big blow up on a Skitter Walk, but never hit it. Dodged off and on showers for the two hours I was there.

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8/7/08 - North Pond/ Lake Maspenock
Avg. Rating: 2.8
# Reviews: 5
Views: 2713
North Pond/Lake Maspenock, MA

The storm had just finished rolling through when I got here tonight. I fished with Johnny. Calm water, no wind, very slow. It rare to have a slow night here, but I cant control the crazy weather we have been having. Im just glad water levels are better than last year. Ended the night with a 6in Bass and Bluegill.

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