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"Get Hooked on Connecticut"

John Boudreau's Trips

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This user has 498 trips in their collection.
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4/29/10 - Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 1
Views: 2148
Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA

Got in about an hour tonight. Tried a spot on Acre Bridge Rd. for the 1st time. Stone Culvrit with a nice channel with shallows left and right. Tea colored water. Wind was gusting at times, but overall it wasnt to bad. End up with 3 Largemouth on a jerkbait, all about 8ft-10ft off the culvrit opening.

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4/27/10 - North Pond/Lake Maspenock - Hopkinton, MA

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 2
Views: 2040
North Pond/Lake Maspenock Hopkinton, MA

Not much really going on, I was more working on a technique Im hoping will do good for me at my next Tournament on 5/2. Dodged most of the rain, but the wind was pretty steady, and it was pretty chilly. Threw a jerkbait at the end of the night and got 1 pickerel, and had a bass come off half way back to shore.

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4/25/10 - MAFISHFINDER.COM Tournament @ Knops Pond - Groton, MA

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 4
Views: 4406
Knops Pond - Groton, MA

First off, Another top notch job by Justin and Johnny putting another successful tourney together. Fished with my good friend "Angry Vinny"the second half of "Team Angry Meat" 1st time to this place for both of us. Tea color stained water, and a ton of milfoil. Motor problems early on kept us from getting around most of this pond. We probably saw 25% of it, But we worked with what we had. Almost all of our fish today were caught on creature baits, I got a couple pickerel on a jerkbait. Our limit of 5 Largemouth weighed in at 5.3lbs(Vinny's 3 Bass were 1lb 10oz, 15oz, 14oz and my 2 Bass were 1lb 2oz and 13oz), good for 3rd Place. Plus Vinny caught 4 other Bass that didnt make the cut, and 4 pickerel. I also caught 6 pickerel. While we were happy with our 3rd place finish, we both missed/lost/broke off some other good Bass, which was a bit frustrating, but thats why its called fishing. Congrats to Chuck H, and Mark for there 1st place finish and Lunker. ***Hot spots will be listed around the launch ramp, Im not ready to give up my spots, lol.***

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4/24/10 - Edge Water - Wakefield, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 2
Views: 4243
Edge Water - Wakefield, MA

Edge Water is a string of ponds in a business complex. Private Porperty, but Me and Vinny dodge the security and got in about an hour of fishing time. Water clarity wasnt great, windy for most of the time. Only had two rods with me(Jerkbait, and Creature Bait on a shakey head) since we were running and gunning. Vinny ended up with 3 Largemouth, between 1lb and 1-1/4lb, all on a Game Hawg. I finished up with a Yellow Perch, and a Calico on a jekbait, as well as a Largemouth slighty under a pound on the Creature Bait.

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4/22/10 - Norton Resevoir - Norton, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 2
Views: 3860
Norton Reservoir Norton, MA

I had about 40 minutes to kill before my Avid Anglers Club meeting tonight, so I stop here mainly because its on the way, and also wanted to get in some casts while it wasnt raining, thundering, or flashing lightning bolts. Slight breeze in the air, Water clarity was below average, and there is vegatation/Lily pads showing up already. Only had my one 2 piece spinning rod that always stays in my trunk with a jerkbait tied on. Nothing special, but ended the outing with 5 total fish(2 Calico, 2 Pickerel, 1 Yellow Perch).

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4/21/10 - Crystal Lake - Newton, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 1
Views: 2965
Crystal Lake - Newton, MA

Back to Crystal Lake tonight but to a different spot. Pretty windy tonight. Water is very clear here, although I think there's an algae bloom coming on quickly. Only got 4 yellow perch, 2 of them in the 1/2lb range. Nothing to exciting, but better than nothing...

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4/18/10 - Wedge Pond - Winchester, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 3
Views: 3492
Wedge Pond - Winchester, MA

Dodging some rain this evening, I decided to head over the Wedge Pond for the first time this year. Ive only fished hear twice I think ever, both last year which only produced some panfish for me. I only had 1 rod with me, and used a jerkbait as thats been the norm for me early this season. Weather was different combinations of sun, rain, and wind randomly. Water clarity was pretty good, slight stain to it. I got in about 45 minutes. Landed my 1st ever Bass from here, and 2 more as well. Biggest of the outing was 1-1/4lbs.

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4/16/10 - Crystal Lake - Newton, MA

Avg. Rating: 4.5
# Reviews: 4
Views: 7280
Crystal Lake - Newton, MA

Well this is my first time fishing this body of water. Only had 30 minutes of fishing(about 7:20pm to 7:50pm). Definately a small place, Not much parking(only on some side streets). Looks like its got good water clarity. Pretty cold tonight, but with no rain at the time I had to take advantage. I only brought 2 rods(Rooster Tail, and and Small Jerkbait). Got a few nips at the Rooster Tail, but no takers, so I switch to the Jerkbait and the Panfish couldnt stand it. Finished up the night with 2 healthy Blue Gill, 3 Yellow Perch(including my biggest to date@ 12-1/2in 9oz), and 1 Calico Bass(also my biggest to date@ 13in 13oz). Definately will be back to check out this spot and the couple other areas that are accessable to public. It was recently stocked with Trout, and if the Bass are anything like the Panfish, It will be very nice.

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4/15/10 - Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA

Avg. Rating: 4.5
# Reviews: 2
Views: 2862
Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA

Tonight was more about teaching than fishing, but I did manage to get a few casts in. My girlfriend got her first baitcaster lesson, and she picked it up fairly quickly. She even figured out how to fix a birdnest, lol. We only ended up fishing about 40 mins. Sunny, but windy and raw. I got a few casts of a jerkbait at the end of the night and got one real skinny 9" Yellow Perch.

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4/13/10 - Dudley Pond

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 5
Views: 4984
Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

1st time here is year. Water is real clear, but this pond has a pretty murky bottom. Tried throwing a Carolina Rig, but kept coming up with slime on the weight and lizard. Lots of Bluegill in the shallows, saw a couple pickerel kicking around. Finished the night with one 8in Sunfish on a shallow crankbait, and a 15in Pickerel on a jerkbait.

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4/12/10 - Mystic River - Medford, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 1
Views: 2445
Mystic River - Medford, MA

Thought I give the Mystic a go tonight. Still looks like the river is a little behind with all the screwy weather we had. Current was pretty strong, and the water was stained brown. Only fish I could see active was the Yellow Perch. I ended the night with 4 of them all between 7 and 8 inches.

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4/8/10 - Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 4
Views: 4996
Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA

Had about 45 minutes to kill tonight after work. Found a nice little corner to get out of the wind a bit. Certainly not a warm as yesterday, but still productive. Water clarity had a brown stain to it. Mostly workign around some flooded brush and lay downs. Only threw a small jerkbait tonight. A few firsts for me tonight, 1st time fishing here this year, 1st White Perch, Bluegill, and Pickerel of the year as well. Also got a Small Largemouth. Nice variety pack tonight.

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4/6/10 - Lake Cochituate Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 3.25
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2001
Lake Cochtituate, MA

After work I fished from 5:30 pm to 7pm. Quite a difference a week makes...Water level was down 6 to 8 inch easy. Which was very apparent on the first rip of my jerkbait into the grass. Slow evening, no takers on a jig, senko, jerkbait, Rapala floater. Only got some small guys ona rooster tail(2 Clico, and 2 Bass). Better than nothing...

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4/5/10 - Mystic River - Medford, MA

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 2
Views: 2256
Mystic River - Medford, MA

Well this was more of an exploring trip to check out one of my favorite spots of last year. Only had about 20 mins to kill. Water level to my suprise wasnt crazy high, another week or so it might be back to normal. Light current and a little bit of wind. Threw a jerkbait around becasue thats what I had tied on already. Lots of yellow perch and a few very small Smallies around the rock shoreline. Ended up with one Yellow Perch.

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4/3/10 - Avid Anglers " Easter Bunny Open" @ Long Pond - Harwich, MA

Avg. Rating: 4.4
# Reviews: 5
Views: 3257
Lond Pond Harwich, MA

First Club Tournament, and of 2010, for Avid Anglers is a Club Open annually. Always a good draw. This year brought in 19 Boats, though less than we thought would show. Among those 19 boats was Bassmaster Elite Series Pro Mark Burgess. Pretty cool to share the same waters as a Pro. Weather wise is was much better than last year which was rainy and cold, but proved to big tough bite. About 55 degrees was about tops for the outing, and wind increased from about 5mph to 12-15mph as the day went on. I had mine and my partners 1st and only fish of the day within 5 min of the start of the tourney, which also was my 1st Smallie of the year(14in 1-1/4lbs). 1st place was 4 fish @ 14 plus lbs, 2nd was 5 fish @ 12 plus lbs, and 3 place had 11 plus lbs. Largemouth Lunker was 4.97lbs, and Smallmouth Lunker was 4.46lbs. Thanks to all to the non club anglers that showed to support the Avid Anglers.

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3/31/10 - Lake Cochituate Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4.6
# Reviews: 5
Views: 2925
Lake Cochtituate, MA

Last day of March, and even cold it was only about 47 degrees, I decided after a s***ty work day, I was going fishing. Of course water level are way high, but I was thinkin that would help bring the fish closer to shore. Water was slightly couldy, not much wind for most of the hour plus I was there. Started throwing a tube, swith to a senko..nothing on both. Switched to a rooster tail to see if I could get any of the trout that were just stocked a few weeks ago...nothing. Decided to switch to a hard jerkbait, and work building confidence in this type of lure. I fished it slow and sporadic... jerk, jerk, long pause, jerk, long pause, jerk, jerk, pause, jerk, long pause... and god damn I ended up doing pretty good tonight. I finished the night the with My 1st three Calico's of the year, 2 Largemouth(1lb, and 1-1/4lb), and much less stress from work.

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3/19/10 - North Pond/Lake Maspenock - Hopkinton, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 3
Views: 3239
North Pond/Lake Maspenock Hopkinton, MA

Well this was my second time out this year(First time was Wednesday, got nothing), and after three real nice days I was hoping to start off the year right. After work I headed to one of my favorite spot of the last couple of years. fish from about 5:30pm ot 7pm. Nice and Sunny, a little wind, but not a complaint from me. Fished drop shot, shakey head, tubes, Red-Eye Shad, with not even a bite. So I decided to give a jig a try. A technique I really want to get confidence in. Fished ever so slow, just dragging, and hopping here and there. After about 10 minutes I popped it off a rock pile and BAMMM! A decent Larry weighing in a 1 1/2lbs. Only one bite tonight, but I nailed it, and on a jig which makes it even better for me for my first of 2010. Keep that warmer weather coming please!!!

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10/25/09 - Chauncy Lake - Westboro, MA

Avg. Rating: 3.6
# Reviews: 5
Views: 2453
Chauncy Lake - Westboro, MA

Got out for a last hurrah with a few of my boys from the Avid Anglers Club. First time to this water for me. Fished from 8am to 12noon with Ed D on his Ranger. Bright and Sunny the whole time. Pretty windy most of the time, without many places to hide from it. Water was murky, and a ton of leaves have fallen into the lake. We basically started at the north end of the lake, and trolled it clockwise. Never got a pattern figured out today, Ed finished with a 3lb Pickerel, and 1lb White Perch. Dave from his boat got a 3lb Pickerel as while, and lost probably a 3lb Largemouth. I missed a topwater bite early, Got a 1lb 1oz Larry on a crankbait, and a 12in Larry on a shakeyhead. Now it Miller time!

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10/21/09 - Farm Pond - Framingham, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 5
Views: 2774
Farm Pond - Framingham, MA

After work this evening I blasted over to Farm Pond for the hell of it. It was a nice day close to 60, no wind, which is great for this time of year. Nice to see the town cleared alot of the Shoreline brushFished right by the pump house on the Western Shore, nice looking area. Got about 45 Minutes before it was to dark. End the evening with an angry Pickerel, and a Smaller Larry on probably my first topwater fish of the year I think.

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10/16/09 - Charles River - Waltham, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2775
Charles River - Waltham, MA

After work, driving to Waltham to meet some friends, had about 15 minutes to waste till it got dark, so I stopped at the culvrit. Weather was cold, but not to windy. Wasnt expecting much, but ended up with a 8" Larry and a 8" Calico. Thank you very much!!!

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10/2/09 - Lake Cochituate Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 5
Views: 2212
Lake Cochtituate, MA

Got out for an hour after work tonight 6pm to 7pm. Trying to start October off on the right foot. Not to windy, but water is brown stained from fall transition I think. I only really fished a Lunker City Spanky for the most part, and did ok. Finished the night with a 3/4lb and a 1-1/4lb Larrys.

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9/30/09 - Bracket Reservoir - Ashland, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 5
Views: 5595
Ashland (Bracket Reservoir), MA

Get out of work late of course, so I only had about 45 mins to fish. Went close to work as usual for this time of year. Kinda windy, and damn did it cool off this afternoon, but the fish where biting. Started thtrowing a senko, no luck. Switched to a Rooster Tail and landed a 11-1/2in 11oz White Perch, my biggest so far, and also a 1lb 3oz Larry. Tried the senko again, nothing, tried a Rapala, nothing, Tried a Lunker City Spanky and got another Larry 1lb 1oz. Ended the evening throwing the Rooster Tail again and got another 11in White Perch. Felt good to end September on a good note.

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9/23/09 - Bracket Reservoir - Asland, MA - 7AM

Avg. Rating: 3.3333333333333
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2460
Ashland (Bracket Reservoir), MA

Morning fishing before work for about 30 mins hoping to fare better than last night. Pretty calm morning besides a few gusts of wind. Pretty much only threw a senko. Got a few solid whacks before I hooked up on a nice 1-1/4lb larry to start my day.

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9/22/08 - Bracket Reservoir - Ashland, MA
Avg. Rating: 2.5
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2114
Ashland (Bracket Reservoir), MA

Ill keep it short and sweet, as there wasnt to much happening tonight. Fished an hour(6pm-7pm) Calm water with a few gusts of wind. No bites on tubes, or a rapala. A few nibbles on the senko, but no takers. Twin 10" Larrys on a Lunker City Spanky, and a chucky Bluegill on the Rooster Tail.

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