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"Get Hooked on Connecticut"

John Boudreau's Trips

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This user has 498 trips in their collection.
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11/6/10 - Northshore Run & Gun

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 3
Views: 3132
Somewhere on the Northshore, MA

Well, one of my unwritten goals this year was to catch fish in a many months as I could before the ice creeps upon us. Although I didnt catch a Bass today, with the couple of panfish I caught, Ive got March through November(1st ever fish in November) covered with catches. Very slow going at the couple of places me and Vinny hit, but I did get a 10" Calico, and a 9" Yellow Perch to commit to a small jerkbait. I dont know about the rest of you guys, but Im not ready to throw the towel in yet this year...

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10/28/10 - Norton Reservoir - Norton, MA

Avg. Rating: 4.25
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2986
Norton Reservoir Norton, MA

Got in about 20-25 minutes before my last club meeting of the year tonight. Only threw a jerkbait. A little wind, but slowed a bit after about 5-10 minutes. 3rd cast I pulled in a 11-1/2in Yellow Perch. A few minutes later I had a 12" Bass come off as I tried to flip it onto shore. After a couple of missed bites, my jerkbait got smashed by a nice 2lb Largemouth. Nice way to end this short outing.

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10/26/10 - Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 3
Views: 4853
Dudley Pond - Wayland, MA

I went by Cochituate boat ramp, but the wind was howling there. So I decided to hit the much smaller Dudley Pond, which the wind also wasnt pounding as hard. Fished for about 25 minutes. Only threw a small jerkbait. 1st cast got me a 1lb Pickerel, and 2nd cast got me a 10" Largemouth. Finished up the night with a real fat 1/2lb Sunfish(new personal best), and another Pickerel.

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10/21/10 - Lake Cochituate - Framingham, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 2
Views: 2749
Lake Cochtituate, MA

I gave this spot another try. Just looking for anything that would bite hook. Not much different than 2 days ago, a little more wind, and colder air temp. Managed a skinny 13-1/2in Largemouth, tipping the scales at 11oz. This boy needs to eat, easily should be 1lb.

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10/19/10 - Lake Cochituate - Framingham, MA

Avg. Rating: 3.5
# Reviews: 2
Views: 2664
Lake Cochtituate, MA

Got in about 45 minutes after work. Took a short walk though the woods at the back lot of the Boat Ramp to get to this spot right where the underpass is for the Mass Pike. Water still looks off. Only threw a Rooster Tail, and a Jerkbait. Was hoping to find a Rainbot Trout or two, but no dice there. Did end the night with a little variety, 1 Bluegill, 1 Calico, 1 Yellow Perch, and one 12-1/2in 13oz Largemouth. Come on Fall Frenzy, Im still waiting!!!

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10/13/10 - Lake Cochituate - Framingham, MA

No Reviews
Views: 2132
Lake Cochtituate, MA

I fished the Boat ramp tonight. Still slow like everywhere else. Turnover is happening real slow here as well. Tried a bunch of different lures, but mostly threw a jerkbait, and a inline spinner to see if any trout were around. The other bite I got was on the inline spinner, a 1lb Largemouth. One better than none!

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10/9/10 - Charles River - Watertown to Boston

Avg. Rating: 4.3333333333333
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2122
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Vinny and I got out on the Watertown to Boston section of the Charles for our 1st times. A little "City Limits" fishing??? Yes, but without the success, lol. A windy, frustrating day, filled with dodging the sculling boats, and sail boats. Still cool being out on that section of the river. With the wind howling like it was, over powering the trolling motor, it was tough to keep the boat in place. So we did just as much cruising around as we did fishing. Ended up down at the Musuem of Science for a bit, a got a 4" Largemouth on a 3-1/2" jerkbait. Picked-up a 12" Largemouth on a Spinnerbait in the Watertown/Cambridge Area. We did see a few small smallmouth, and some schooling Perch, But just really slow. On a calmer day it would have been easier to stay on some spots and pick them apart. There's always next time...

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10/7/10 - Charles River - Watertown Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 1
Views: 2642
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Got in 25 minutes after work. No bites on a jig, senko, inline spinner, or bigger jerkbait. Got 1 Smallmouth on small jerkbait. 3 more and I get to 100 Smallmouth lifetime. Hoping to make it happen this year!

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10/5/10 - Charles River - Watertown Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2527
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Got in a half hour after work. Wind was swirling, and gusty. Jerkbait was the lures of choice. 2nd cast Im on, and land a nice 13" 1lb Smallmouth. 3rd cast, Im on again, but lose a smallie that felt about as good as the 1st one. Finished the night with a 6" Smallie, and a 7" Yellow Perch. Dark at 6:45pm sucks.

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10/3/10 - MAFF Tournament 2010 Finale @ Lake Boon - Hudson, MA

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 5
Views: 1693
Lake Boon - Hudson, MA

Well the day never warmed as we hoped. About 45 degrees as we started, and a slow start it was. By 10am Vinny and I only had one bite a piece, his come off at the boat(about 1-1/2lb), and I, with a stupid mistake, broke off a one that was atleast 2-1/2lbs. Man is that a bad feeling! Finally by 11:30am I got my first fish(1lb 3oz), and 10 minutes later the last fish I would catch today(2lbs 5oz). Tough day, with too many mistakes. Still good to get out there with everyone though. Im looking forward to next year!

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9/30/10 - Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 2
Views: 3804
Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA

Got in 25-30 minutes after work and dodging rain drops. Very windy toward the end of the outing. Threw a jerkbait mostly, and a tube a little. Ended up this short trip with a 7" Yellow Perch, and a chunky 11" White Perch before the storm sent me packing.

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9/27/10 - Charles River - Watertown Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4.5
# Reviews: 2
Views: 2785
Charles River - Watertown, MA

I got in 20-25 minutes before some rain drove me away. Spinnerbait, Jerkbait, Inline Spinner, and Tube got nothing. Senko got the only bite of the outing. Ripped a nasty hook set while a sculling boat was going by and cheering me on as I pulled in a 12" smallie.

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9/25/10 - Lake Boon - Hudson, MA

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2879
Lake Boon - Hudson, MA

Vinny and I decided to give Boon another go around. We fished from about 6:30am till 2pm. Nice hot sunny day didnt make the fishing easy. Plenty of fish variety today, White and Yellow Perch, Largemouth, Pickerel, Pumpkin Seed. As Far as Keeper Bass go, We would have bagged a limit, but no monsters. Vinny has a 2lber, 1-1/4lb, and two 1lbers. My only keeper was 1lb 9oz. Fun day as usual.

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9-24-10 - Charles River - Watertown Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 1
Views: 2588
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Got in a 1/2 hour tonight after work. Mario was there when I got there and had caught a couple Smallies already. Started was the inline spinner, and picked up a 6in Smallie. Mario got a White and Yellow Perch. I switched to the jerkbait and quickly got drilled by 3/4lb and 1/2lb Smallmouth before the bite died off.

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9/22/10 - Charles River - Watertown Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4.6666666666667
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2169
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Got in about an hour tonight, fishing along side Mario. Lots of boat traffic tonight. After throwing shaky head, a tube, and jerkbait with no takers I started throwing the go to lure, the Rooster Tail. Picked up for 4 Smallies with the biggest being 12-1/2" 14oz. Finished the night throwing a popper, and got a couple swipes at it, and had one decent one come unbuttoned.

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9/19/10 - Lake Boon - Hudson, MA
Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2220
Lake Boon - Hudson, MA

Vinny and I got out on Boon for our 1st times ever. Wow that ramp sucks, and nothing like launching into 2 feet of water. Fished from about 6:30am till 1pm. Very slow overall, although we did start to figure out something toward the end of the day. Vinny got about 5 Largemouth with a couple in the 1-1/2lb range, and a Calico. I finished up with 2 Largemouth with the biggest at 1lb. Frustrating day for me, considering I broke off 3 Fish, the 3rd one I saw by the boat was about 2lbs+. Atleast it wasnt during the Tourney. I like what I see from this place, and Im looking forward to fishing it again.

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9/17/10 - Charles River - Watertown Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2189
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Got out after work for about an hour. Water level was way down from two days ago, atleast a foot it seemed. Dont now why, maybe something to do with the tides. Threw a bunch of different baits with no luck...tube, senko, shallow crankbait, buzzbait got some hits but no takers. Ended the night with 2 Smallies on the inline spinner, and 2 Smallies on the jerkbait.

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9/15/10 - Charles River - Watertown Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4.2
# Reviews: 5
Views: 2280
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Met up with Mario again afterwork to get some redemption from last night. Still very slow night, but the quality was a bit better. Mario had a nice 1lb 3oz Smallmouth, as well as a probably 3/4lb Smallmouth, nice work man. My only bite of the night was a 3/4lb Smallie on a shallow runner crankbait. Till next time...probably next week...

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9/14/10 - Charles River - Watertown Boat Ramp
Avg. Rating: 4.3333333333333
# Reviews: 3
Views: 1689
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Arrived a little after 6pm, and when I got there Mario aka "Bassterrorist" was keeping the spot warm, lol. Slow night overall, with a weird bite. I tried dropshot, and a jerkbait with no takers. Picked-up a Yellow Perch, and an 8" Smallie on the inline spinner. Finished the night throwing a tube, and got a few solid bites, but couldnt keep them on the hook. Mario was having the issue with them coming off. I think we both left some decent fish in the water. Redemption tonight...hopefully...

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9/13/10 - Charles River - Watertown Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 2
Views: 2105
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Hit up the ramp tonight for about 1/2 hour. Windy, and the storm was creeping in. The water was very clear tonight. Started with a jerkbait for about 10 minutes with no takers. Switched to the inline spinner. And while it was still a slow, I did pick up 3 Smallies. I missed 2 solid thumps that I couldnt hook up with, and I watched a fish make a good size wake while following my lure. I try to twitch it , but the fish never gave a solid bite. Oh well, there's always tommorow...

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9/12/10 - Avid Anglers Tourney @ Webster Lake - Webster, MA

Avg. Rating: 4.5
# Reviews: 4
Views: 3293
Webster Lake Webster, MA

Avid Tourney @ Webster today which counts as our first 2011 tournament. The boater I was supposed to go with canceled last minute, which put my preparation out of wack. So at the ramp 30 minutes before the start of the tourney I get a different boater, and try and make the best of it. Fall transition is happening big time, vegetation is dying off quickly. Fish were scattered, and I had a tough time adjusting to where my boater had us. He finished up with 3 fish(2 Largemouth, 1 Smallie) for 3-1/2lbs mostly on the dropshot. I threw a jig, spinnerbait, jerkbait, dropshot, topwater without bite. Inline spinner got me 2 short Smallies(6in, 8in), 2 Short Largemouth(7in, 10in), and a Bluegill. Wacky worm got my 1 short Largemouth 11-1/2" of course. The only keeper I got was when I was on the trolling motor while my boater was fixing a reel, inside of about 5 mins on a tube off 2 docks I got one 11-3/4" short Largemouth, and the keeper which was 1lb 11oz. 14 Anglers total, 11+lbs took first place, Lunker was 4-1/4lb Largemouth, and my 1 fish gave me last place. Trying to think of it in a postive note, that one fish gives points Ill need later in the season, and its better than a shutout!!!

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9/10/10 - Dug Pond - Natick, MA

Avg. Rating: 3
# Reviews: 2
Views: 1274
Dug Pond - Natick, MA

Stopped here on my way home from work. Ive never had a ton of luck here, but decided to give it a quick shot. Threw a jerkbait in 4 spots along the Pond St. shoreline for about 5 minutes each spot. Managed only one 10" Largemouth.

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9/10/10 - Charles River - Watertown Boat Ramp

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 5
Views: 2155
Charles River - Watertown, MA

Driving to work this morning, I couldn't resist. So I pulled in the ramp parking lot at 7:08am, grabbed my rod with the jerkbait tied on from last night, and starting firing away. 2nd cast myl ure gets slammed, but the fish comes unbuttoned, it felt like a nice Smallie. Next cast, 9in Yellow Perch. 5 cast later, 11in Smallie. 3 cast later, 11.5in Smallie that spit up a couple minnows. 4 casts later, 12" 3/4lb Smallie, and with that I packed up and continued to work. And as I pulled out of the parking lot, I glanced at the clock, it read 7:22am...Nice!!!

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9/9/10 - Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA
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Views: 1722
Sudbury Reservoir - Southboro, MA

Got in about a 1/2 hour afterwork. A little chill, and wind in the air. Not much happening on the senko, or inline spinner. Tied on a jerkbait for the hell of it and got a 3/4lb Pickerel. And with the shutout broken, I called it a night.

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