I had an invite from a friend to jump on his boat and chase some togs... due to some things I needed to take care of it would be best if we waited until the outgoing tide. Hit the water about 11:30, started off at a spot in the Thames river...was slow but the second fish I boated would be the "big one for the day...about 6 pounds. That spot was just not working out for a couple reasons, so after a couple hours there we decided it was time to move on. We were on our way to our second stop when I get a call from Carp...he claims he has a bail job going in the area I normally fish, well Carp convinced us to double back and check it out...we get in the area and finally locate Carp, there he was busy reeling in blackfish. We said hello and dropped anchor not too far from him but had a hard time finding the love where we were. We exchanged a couple items with Carp and decided to move out to another area...keep in mind I am only a guest on a friends boat for a change. We got to our destination on the North side of Fishers Island and pretty much had some action not too long after we dropped anchor. We started to bring fish in a pretty good pace, with quite a few shorts in the mix. After a little while it seemed my side of the boat turned off, while my buddy Matt started to crush em, after watching this for a while, he finally offered for me to join in on the hot action on that side of the boat which I would of been a fool refuse.
We both caught fish at a decent rate but I will say Matt got very hot and was fishing two rods dead sticking them with great success.
At any rate we put in a half day of Tog fishing on a beautiful day and came home with our limit, I have some pics that I will post up tomorrow. Great seeing Carp out there bailing fish with a stringer full of blackfish at his side.

Update: 10-18-12 Sorry Carp I somehow lost the pictures I had on my camera, they may be on the computer somewhere but I can't find them, there was a glitch during the download so I think they are history

Posted Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:48 pm

Great report, glad you guys did well!

Posted Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:56 am

Good seeing ya out there Lung and I really appreciate the "exchange of items". That allowed me to keep fishing and get my biggest of the day, a 20 incher. Good times my friend, good times! Limits all around!...........Too bad about the pictures, you win some you lose some I guess. No biggy.

Posted Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:05 am

Hmmmm....a little birdy told me an interesting tidbit that was left out of this report for some strange reason.

Posted Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:14 am


Hmmmm....a little birdy told me an interesting tidbit that was left out of this report for some strange reason.

I bet you it's the same birdy that's been holding out another tidbit on a certain angler that's hooked on himself
We have swimmy and hooky amongst us Very Happy

Posted Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:29 am



Hmmmm....a little birdy told me an interesting tidbit that was left out of this report for some strange reason.

I bet you it's the same birdy that's been holding out another tidbit on a certain angler that's hooked on himself
We have swimmy and hooky amongst us Very Happy

Ah so grasshopper....thanks for the confirmation......apparently someone can dish it out (Torium reference) but cant take the heat when he fux up!

Posted Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:31 am

I cannot speak on the aforementioned accusations on the grounds that I may incriminate myself or others.....................................mums the word!

Posted Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:45 am

Well a little birdy told me about a tag sale that I should have been informed of...I wonder if the boat seats I GAVE away were included? Confused Laughing

Last edited by aqualung on Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:58 am; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:05 pm

Yep, "Little Birdie" sang her way right into the doghouse! She's also been instructed to keep her beak shut around Captain Hook. Very Happy

Posted Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:37 am

Man o man....tuff crowd here.....you best be nice to my little chik-a-dee......at least she tells the whole story.....so the moral of the story is if u are gonna post include the good and the BAD and the UGLY!!!

Seats?...gave?.....I have no recollection of that...but I do remember a portable FF..........minus the batteries!....LOL.

Posted Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:18 am

thanks t-bob, this is your little chick-a-dee, thanks for watching my back-this is a tough crowd, i will not shut my beak entirely.

Posted Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:42 pm

Oh,she'll shut her beak, I'm just letting her flex a little! Laughing

Posted Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:44 pm

I will be returning to this thread at a later date...this one has too much potential Laughing , but I am a bit pre occupied at the moment

Posted Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:57 pm

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